PowerPoint (.pptx)

Mantium provides support for PowerPoint files (PPTX)


  • Text Extraction: Mantium's PowerPoint tech allows for the extraction of text from PowerPoint files. This feature makes it easier for users to analyze the text contained in a presentation.
  • Text Analysis: Mantium's PowerPoint tech can analyze text in a human-readable way. This feature makes it easier for users to extract specific pieces of text from a presentation, such as headings or paragraphs.
  • Image Extraction: Mantium's PowerPoint tech supports the extraction of images from PowerPoint files. This feature makes it easier for users to access and analyze images contained in a presentation.
  • Slide Extraction: Mantium's PowerPoint tech supports the extraction of individual slides from a PowerPoint file. This feature makes it easier for users to access and analyze individual slides from a presentation.
  • Font Support: Mantium's PowerPoint tech supports various font types. This feature ensures that users can access and analyze PowerPoint files that use different font types.
  • Shape Extraction: Mantium's PowerPoint tech supports the extraction of shapes from a PowerPoint file. This feature makes it easier for users to access and analyze the shapes contained in a presentation.
  • Metadata Extraction: Mantium's PowerPoint tech supports the extraction of metadata from PowerPoint files. This feature makes it easier for users to access and analyze metadata contained in a presentation.


It's important to note that Mantium's PowerPoint tech has a few limitations:

  • Compatibility: Mantium's PowerPoint tech only supports the manipulation of .pptx files. It does not support .ppt files.
  • Image Extraction: While Mantium's PowerPoint tech supports the extraction of images from PowerPoint files, it may not be able to extract certain image types in some cases.
  • Shape Extraction: Mantium's PowerPoint tech may not be able to extract all shapes from a PowerPoint file, particularly those with complex shapes.
  • Content Extraction: Mantium's PowerPoint tech does not currently support the extraction of content from charts or tables in a PowerPoint file.
  • Macro Execution: Mantium's PowerPoint tech does not support the execution of macros in a PowerPoint file.


To use the PowerPoint Data Connector in Mantium, follow these steps:

  1. Click Data Source on the left navigation bar to go to the Data Sources section.
  2. On the top right corner, select Add Data Source.
  3. From the list of Data Sources, select the PowerPoint Data Connector.
  4. Provide the necessary details to label the Data Source and wait for the job process to complete.
  5. Complete the data upload process by uploading the PowerPoint file (.pptx) containing the data you want to analyze (e.g., presentations, slides).
  6. Click the Finish and Sync button to finalize the setup and synchronize the data.