Delete Columns

Streamline your dataset by removing unnecessary columns. This can reduce storage requirements which can be helpful when working with large datasets.


The Delete Column(s) transformation has one required parameter:

  • Delete Column: The name of the columns that you want to delete. Add multiple columns to be deleted by clicking on the Add + button. Defaults to [].


To use the Delete Column(s) transformation in Mantium, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the 'Add +' button to add a column to be deleted.
  2. Input the name of the column that you want to delete as the Source Column.
  3. Repeat steps 2-3 to add additional columns to be deleted.
  4. Run the transformation by clicking the Save and Run Transforms button. The resulting dataset will have the specified columns deleted.

Example 1: Delete a Single Column

The video below demonstrates how to use the Delete Columns transformation in just a few seconds. If you prefer text, please continue reading.

Suppose we have a dataset with the following columns: ID, Name, Email, and Phone.

1John Doe[email protected](555) 123-4567

We want to delete the Email column as it's not needed for our analysis.

To delete the Email column, configure the transformation as follows:

Delete Column:
  - Email

The resulting dataset would look like this:

1John Doe(555) 123-4567

Example 2: Delete Multiple Columns

Suppose we have a dataset with the following columns: ID, Name, Age, Email, Phone, and Address.

1Jane Smith34[email protected](555) 987-6543123 Elm St, Apt 4B

We want to delete the Email and Phone columns, as they are not needed for our analysis.

To delete the Email and Phone columns, configure the transformation as follows:

Delete Column:
  - Email
  - Phone

The resulting dataset would look like this:

1Jane Smith34123 Elm St, Apt 4B